Monday, June 29, 2020

Ban on Chinese Apps: Will it affect title sponsorship in IPL ?? And, further any Job crisis in India ???

         India banned 59 Chinese Apps, including TikTok, Share It, Cam Scanner, and other renowned apps which were  most common in use amongst us, and when tension has gained momentum across border with China. The ministry of electronics and information technology, Gov’t of India said that it has received an “exhaustive endorsement” from the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre & the Ministry of Home Affairs and so these Chinese apps are detrimental to the sovereignty and integrity of India. Moreover, a big concern over data security and safeguarding the privacy of Indian population were also in the priority. 

          The action has been taken after Prime Minister Shree. Narendra Modi said India has given a “befitting reply” to those who are in further planning for coveting our territory. A countrywide call for boycott of Chinese goods and encouragement of domestic goods under the campaign of “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” has been initiated by him. Prior to this, the government made it mandatory to mention the “Country of Origin” for sellers listing their products/services in the Government e-Marketplace. E-commerce companies like Flipkart and Amazon, nodded to follow this decision of government.

Indian Premier League(IPL):


Though the Chinese companies are not just making their inevitable appearance into various Indian businesses, but they are gradually gaining control over these Indian big businesses. Like the Chinese technology giants, OPPO and VIVO are the title sponsor for the Indian Premier League (IPL) which, as per the current agreement, have sponsorship rights for the period of five years till 2023 with amount Rs. 2,199 crore (Rs. 440 crore annually). Likewise, many Indian businesses are under powerful clinch of these big Chinese companies, which may get affected once the partnership or sponsorship comes to an end.

Now the question comes?

(a)  Are we saturated enough to compensate the damage in the Indian economy on post-segregation?
(b)  Are we ready to stand and support in addition, after a big shrink in the economy due to lockdown?
(c)  Is it possible to generate an equal amount of employment for jobless who are working in Indian offices of these Chinese companies?

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