Saturday, July 11, 2020

Vikas dubey killed in a police encounter: Is it an end of a criminal or criminality ?

                                               People of the state of Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India are truly convinced of the action taken by UP Police in the case of Criminal Vikas Dubey and completely in favour of such kind of death which was well deserved to his deeds. Some people have a say that police has taken their revenge and the full episode of him being shot dead has been conspired like a B-grade Bollywood drama and so on. Well, whatever has been done right or wrong might be a moot point to discuss to prove it a justice served or a vindictive action. So, let the research and argument process keep going on.

But, few questions strike to our mind -  

(a) Does the criminality ends with such kind of end of a criminal? 

(b) Can the victory over evil achieved by killing the very first man of evil? 

                       Rather, it is required to kill those roots of evil that encourage and support such criminal behavior that give birth to a people like Vikas Dubey. Because, we never know another Vikas Dubey might in the process or preparedness and perhaps with much criminality & perilous potential. So, the shot dead of such criminal is not the final solution to wipe out criminality from humanity as well as from society.


His nexus with the political leaders and bureaucrats were required to be exposed much because it has been a non-ending episode for a long time of such high profile nexus of criminals, politicians and bureaucrats and a mutual help to their legal or illegal activities. 


A new India demands for a revolutionary change and an end of criminality to the core. 




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